Monday, June 15, 2009

Alligators and Cameras

Yesterday we went to Gatorland which, although it was hot, was lots of fun! We saw sooo many Alligators. We also saw my favorite kind of alligator, the rare white alligator!!!! We saw the "Up Close Encounters" show, which was very exciting because Mom and three other people got to hold a giant snake! And when I say three other people got to hold it I mean at the same time! So imagine four grown people having to hold one snake!!! I got a lot of great pictures but, sadly the camera is being very stubborn and wont put the pictures on the computer. I'll get the pictures posted as soon as the camera starts cooperating again.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Summer Vacation is finally here after the long and hard weeks of endurance! I can finally rest my brain, swim, stay up, and sleep in all I want!!! Yippee!!!!! I did A LOT of finals this week and I think I did really good, I tried my hardest and that is what counts, right? So many things are happening this summer!!!

1) My uncles Birthday! (Turning 14)
2) My Birthday Celebration!!!!(Not my real B-Day just going to Universal & Blue Man group to celebrate)
3) MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I will be turning 12!!!
4)Independence Day! Yay FireWorks!!! Yay our country's B-Day!!!!
5) Fathers Day!

The rest are just days of celebration that I found in my calender:

6) June 24, 2009: Quebec National Day (Canada) Woooo Go Canada!!!!!!!!!!
7) July 1, 2009: Canada Day (Canada) Ya Canada WooooHoooo!!!!!!!!
8) School starts again. -sigh-