Friday, January 30, 2009

Theme Parks

This evening I was going to tell you about my day, but instead have decided to talk to you about something entirely different. The Central Florida staple: THEME PARKS.

My Auntie is coming for a visit soon and they want to go to a theme park - so here is my list of some pros and cons of a few.

Universal Studios:

Pros: Lots of roller coasters and water rides. My all time favorite restaurant Finnigan's and my all time 2nd favorite roller coaster "The Mummy". There is the "Day in the Park with Barney", great for the little ones. Good for old and young -

Cons: Lines can get kind of long -

Sea World:

Pros: You get to see orca whales do some awesome tricks, you can feed the dolphins, seals, sea lions and stingrays (But do it fast! The birds around there will steal the fish if you are not fast!) The "Clyde and Seymour Show". The exhibits for the penguins, sharks, eels and polar bears! There is also a restaurant that when you eat - you can watch the sharks from the shark exhibit! There are hardly any lines anywhere!!! Couple of good coasters for the older ones and Shamu's Happy Harbor for the little ones.

Cons: Sometimes you can get wet at the whale shows (burrrrrr - the waters cold!) and the penguin exhibit is really, really stinky. (P.U.)

Magic Kingdom:

Pros: Well, it is the "Happiest Place on Earth"! Kid friendly. It's Disney. Several good places to eat.

Cons: Looonnnggg lines - it's Disney - everyone is there. Only one coaster for the 'Big Kids' and it's currently being refurbished.

So, there you have it! An 11-year-olds view of theme parks. Hope it helps!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Blogger

Hey everyone I'm a new blogger here so let me tell you a bit about myself, my name is Hannah and I live in NSB (New Smyrna Beach) with my mom, dad I'm 11 turning 12 soon and my favorite food in the world is most definitely...CHEESECAKE!!! I just can't get enough of that stuff I mean why in the whole world would they call it cheesecake (yum) you can't even taste any cheese right?!?!? (rhetorical question). Oh yeah! Another thing I am a 6th grader and i think it rocks ;^)!!!! LOL :^D

Here are some things to consider checking out:

1. My Auntie's blog "Our family is like fudge"

2. Free & Free kibble (you answer 1 question a day and if you get it right 10 pieces of kibble get sent 2 animal sheters 4 starving animals :^(animals shouldn't starve)

3. Free (same idea as free kibble only you send 10 pieces of rice 2 starving countries & you can do more than 1 question a day)

4. The golden gate bridge. I've never actually seen it, only in photo's, & it looks really cool

So, now that you know more about me and my interests you should check out my blog more often so that you can know more about me and my crazy family.